Our Team
Our Mentor

Morgan Anderson

Artsiom Bedrak
Artiom was responsible for interviewing sellers at the fair and a professor who wrote 3 books about Kazuko Muge. Also, he wrote the article for our history tab and share and unite tab. Moreover he was responsible for writing a narrative about the tools that we’ve used for completing the project.

Tadas Krasaitis
Tadas Worked on editing the homepage video about interviewing customers and sellers in Kaziuko muge. He also helped film the video.
Mr. Anderson teaches middle and high school English with a little bit of technology on the side. Facilitating this project has taught him many things, including: 9th graders can do more than you think and how lucky he is to be living in beautiful Lithuania. His students' commitment to this project and their own growth as online collaborators has been inspiring.
The Workforce
Our workforce for this website is the ninth grade of the American International School of Vilnius. Our school is located in a small city called Vilnius in Lithuania. Our school is not very big, consisting of about 200 students and so our class is small as well. Our class has 14 students, 8 from Lithuania, 2 from Belarus, 1 from America, 1 from Germany, 1 from Turkey and 1 from Russia. Our class is very friendly and hardworking. Making this website definately wasn’t easy but when all of us worked together it was enjoyable. Almost all of us lived in Vilnius for a long time. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, it is a very beautiful city and it has many interesting places to visit. Vilnius has very nice old town, where you can walk for a long time and enjoy the beauty of the place. Our city can surprise you with its weather, because it rains a lot and then suddenly it can become sunny. So, when we found out about this project, we thought that we can participate and show our city, and what we celebrate here in Vilnius. We wanted to share with everyone our information about beautiful Vilnius and its culture.

Simona Eva Ausraite
Simona worked on interviewing sellers at the fair and a professor who has done a lot of in-depth research about the fair through e-mail. She also wrote about the religious connections on the history part of the website and the narrative about how the students acted as ambassadors by representing the school and the Cyberfair project.

Matvey Chayeuski
Matvey was responsible for collecting the information from other team members. He was responsible for creating and managing the website. He also took part in writing the narrative.

Medina Wolf
Medina was working on the history text. She was also writing the introduction for food, arts &crafts. She also wrote some text for traditions and entertainment and wrote the introduction for interviews.

Patricija Glovackaite
This project got Patricija involved in the areas of interviewing and decision making for the group. She is very proud of her class because they all worked together towards one goal sharing traditions to unite the world!

Ksenija Demidenko
Marta Sudilovskaya
Tahir Can Dermanli
Levi Adams

Tahir worked on interviewing non-Lithuanian participants of Kaziuko Muge, and also was responsible for the “Problems we faced” part of the bibliography.
Levi was given the job of editing the writing that was to be put on the website. Information would be sent through him and he would read and make alterations to the writing. Then, the final product was sent to our main designer to be put on the website.
Marta worked on the products of Kaziuko Muge. Also, she took photos for the site, wrote about discoveries, lessons and surprises, and helped with the bibliography.
Ksenija wrote a part of the narrative.\
She also took part in interviewing people at the festival.

Nikodemas Numavicius
Nikodemas worked on the arts and crafts section. He gathered the most important information about crafts of Kaziuko Muge. Also, thanks to Nikodemas, you can bring Kaziuko Muge to your home.

Nikita Kolas
Nikita helped by working on the food section of our Website. He also took pictures of the festival.

Ainis Kaselis
Ains helped by working on the food section of our Website. He also took pictures of the festival.

Virginia Vilkelyte
Virginija worked on bits all over the website like the homepage, traditions and bibliography . She also filmed the footage for the videos on this site.