How to make a wicker basket?
The wicker basket is one of the most recurring crafts in Kaziuko Muge. To make a wicker basket is not difficult, but it takes time and discipline.
1. You need to get different sizes of dried willow shoots, because willow branches provide a sturdy frame for the basket. The more, the better. And soak them in water, because it will allow the shoots to bend.
2. Choose 8 shoots and cut them in the same size. This will be the base of your basket.

3. Take 4 of the 8 equal shoots and make a 5cm. vertical cut in each of the 4 shoots.

4. Take the 4 shoots that you have cut and tie them next to each other.
5. Place the other 4 shoots in the cut.

6. Start weaving around by going under and over the shoots.

8. Weave around, over and over, till you get your wanted diameter.

7. When you've done 3 rows, stretch the shoots outwards.

9. Take 8 equal sized shoots and push them as close to the middle as you can.

10. Bend the shoots, so they face upwards and tie them together, in order to make them sturdy.

11. Start weaving around the vertical shoots. This will be the side of your basket.

12. Take the excess size of vertical shoots and weave around each other in the same way.
13. Finally, cut the parts that are sticking out.

14. Congradulations! You have finished your first wicker basket!!!
How to make a verba?

1. You want to find a wooden stick. Preferably, I suggest finding a willow wood branch because it is a tradition to use willow branches in the making of verba.

3. Take a string and start tying the flowers and herbs around the wooden stick. Also, you have to tie the flowers and herbs in the same level. This is done in order to keep the ornaments neat and in a pattern. Repeat this process throughout the stick and you will finish the verba.

2. You need to decide what kind of flowers or herbs you will use and place the flowers next to your working area.